More about KINO


KINO is a game of chance. Its objective is to match up to 12 numbers from the 20 drawn (80 numbers field).  

You can play KINO exclusively in any OPAP Store and online at or OPAP Online app. KINO draws are held daily, every 5 minutes.


Combinations & Odds

For each game type (1-12), there are different winning combinations and specific odds for each combination. 

You can learn more in Paytable section.


KINO offers a total of 54 winning chances, in each of the 288 daily draws.
See the table below, for more information about winning combinations & prizes per game type:

How many numbers I have selected to match How many winning combinations are there? How many numbers I need to match to win? How much I may win with 0,50€?
12 numbers 8 combinations From 6 to 12 or none From 2€ to  500.000€
11 numbers 8 combinations From 5 to 11 or none From 0,50€ to 250.000€
10 numbers 7 combinations From 5 to 10 or none From 1€ to 50.000€
9 numbers 6 combinations At least 4 From 0,50€ to 20.000€
8 numbers 5 combinations At least 4 From 1€ to 7.500€
7 numbers combinations At least 3 From 0,50€ to 2.500€
6 numbers combinations At least 3 From 0,50€ to 800€
numbers combinations At least 3 From 1€ to 225€
numbers combinations At least 2 From 0,5€ to 50€
numbers combinations At least 2 From 1,25€ to 12,5€
numbers combinations At least 1 From 0,5€ to 2,5€
number combination 1 1,25€



Participation with game type 12 (12 selected numbers from the 20 drawn)

You win if you match 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 numbers 
With 6 correct predictions: coefficient = 5 (x5 your stake)
With 12 correct predictions: coefficient = 1.000.000*

Participation with game type 6 (6 selected numbers from the 20 drawn)

You win if you match 3, 4, 5 or 6 numbers 
With 3 correct predictions: coefficient = 1 
With 6 correct predictions: coefficient = 1.600

*For the odds related to game types 12, 11, 10 and 9 the conditions described, on the back of the slip and in Paytable, apply.


KINO BONUS is 1 number (shown in red color) randomly selected from the 20 numbers drawn. Playing with KINO BONUS gives you the chance to win more, provided that one of your selected numbers will be the KINO Bonus number. Participation in KINO BONUS doubles your initial stake.


Combinations & Odds

There are different combinations and odds for each game type, depending on how many numbers you want to find in each draw (1-12).

You can learn more in Paytable section.



In KINO BONUS there are 132 winning combinations in each draw:

• 78 combinations if you match ΚΙΝΟ ΒΟΝUS number
• 54 combinations if you don’t match ΚΙΝΟ ΒΟΝUS number

See the table below to find out more about the prizes you can claim for each game type:

How many numbers I have selected to match How many winning combinations are there? How many numbers I need to match to win? How much I may win with KINO Bonus (0,50€ extra)?
12 numbers 12 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 1€ to 1.000.000€
11 numbers 11 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 1€ to 600.000€
10 numbers 10 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 1€ to 125.000€
9 numbers Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 1€ to 50.000€
8 numbers 8 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 1€ to 20.000€
7 numbers 7 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 1€ to 7.500€
6 numbers 6 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 1€ to 2.050€
5 numbers 5 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 1,5€ to 675€
4 numbers 4 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 2,5€ to 300€
3 numbers 3 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 4€ to 87,5€
2 numbers 2 Combinations At least the KINO Bonus number From 8€ to 35€
1 number 1 Combination The KINO Bonus number 26,25€



Useful Information

• If you play with KINO BONUS and you match the lucky number, you get the return rates according to the KINO BONUS Paytable.
• If you do not play with KINO BONUS, or if you do play but it wasn't drawn, you get the return rates according to KINO Paytable.
• In order to calculate your winnings, you need to multiply your initial stake (before it’s doubled for participating in KINO BONUS) by the respective return rate.

Example 1 

Participation with game type 6 

KINO: With 5 correct predictions, the coefficient is 50 (i.e. you win 25€, with a minimum stake of 0,50€) 

KINO BONUS: With 5 correct predictions matching KINO BONUS as well, the coefficient is 300 (i.e. you win 150€, with an initial stake of 0,50€) 


Example 2

Participation with game type 6 

ΚΙΝΟ: With only 1 correct prediction you don’t win, since you need at least 3 correct for this game type. 
KINO BONUS: You win even if you have matched the KINO BONUS number only (1 correct prediction).



KINO PARA1 is a new game type in KINO that boosts the odds for winning in the second-tier categories (i.e. 4/5,5/6,6/7). This applies to game types 2 to 9. To play any of these game types, you need to choose the corresponding regular KINO game type. Participation in KINO PARA1 doubles your initial stake (€1).


For each KINO PARA1 game (from type 2 to 9), there's a return rate that determines your prizes.

To calculate the prizes, just multiply this rate by your initial stake, which is the same as participating in regular KINO.

You can learn more in Paytable Section.

You can also combine KINO PARA1 with KINO BONUS.


Participation with game type "6" and with minimum bet of €0.50.

If you predict 5 out of 6 numbers correct, following the KINO odds table, you'd win 50 times your stake, which is €25. But with KINO PARA1, your initial stake doubles to €1, and your winnings become €140, which is 280 times your initial stake.

If you choose both KINO PARA1 and KINO BONUS, your total participation cost becomes €1.5.

If one of your 5 successes is the KINO BONUS number, you win €265, which is 530 times your initial stake.

Meet KINO Systems

With KINO Systems you can participate with the same numbers, in more than one game types, at the same time.


Participation with 5 numbers and game types 4 & 5


By selecting 5 numbers (e.g. 1,2,3,4,5) and game types 4 & 5, you participate simultaneously in both games, with 1 column of 5 numbers and all possible columns of 4 numbers: 

• 1 column with numbers 1,2,3,4,5 for game type 5
• 1 column with numbers 1,2,3,4 for game type 4
• 1 column with numbers 1,2,3,5 for game type 4
• 1 column with numbers 1,2,4,5 for game type 4
• 1 column with numbers 1,3,4,5 for game type 4
• 1 column with numbers 2,3,4,5 for game type 4

In total, you participate with 6 columns and a cost of 3€, claiming 475€ as winnings.

Note: You can play these 6 columns separately, by filling in different slip areas. 



If the numbers 1,2,3,4 are amongst the 20 drawn numbers, while number 5 is not, the winnings are displayed below:

Total winning amount (with stake 0,50€) = 68€
Total max potential winning amount (5 out of 5 correct predictions) = 475€

Note: Υοu can learn more about the winning columns per system, by contacting an OPAP store employee. 


System Cost

Participation with 5 numbers (selected) and game types 4 & 5 (requested)

The number of columns created for each system is depicted on the full development KINO System table below:


Useful Information 

• If you play a KINO System, the maximum selected game type must be equal to the amount of selected numbers (e.g. by choosing system 6, 7, 8 you should select 8 numbers)
• You may choose any game combination you want, without having necessarily ordinal sequence (e.g. you can select 7 numbers & KINO System 3, 5, 7)
• With KINO Systems, you can still participate in consecutive draws or multiply your column stake in ΚΙΝΟ BONUS as well.

Meet Odds - Evens

In ODDS – EVENS you predict if most numbers of the 20 drawn will be: Odds, Evens or there will be a Draw. You can select only one outcome. 



If you correctly predict ODDS or EVENS = your stake x 2 
If you correctly predict DRAW = your stake x 4



Select ‘EVENS’ with a stake of 5€. 
If 12 ‘EVENS’ και 8 ‘ODDS’ numbers are drawn, then you win 10€ (2 times your stake).

Select ‘DRAW’ with a stake of 5€. 
If 10 ‘EVENS’ and 10 ‘ODDS’ numbers are drawn, then you win 20€ (4 times your stake).

Meet Columns

You predict in which of the 10 vertical COLUMNS (80 numbers field), most numbers will be drawn.  In case of draw, the column whose numbers were drawn first wins.

You can select more than 1 column.



If you correctly predict the column with most numbers drawn = your stake x 8 


Select ‘3rd COLUMN’ with a stake of 5€. 
If 5 numbers are drawn in the 3rd COLUMN (most numbers gathered in any of the 10), then you win 40€ (i.e. 8 times your stake)

Select ‘3rd COLUMN’ with a stake of 5€.  
If the numbers drawn in the 3rd are equal to any other COLUMN, then you win only if the numbers in 3rd COLUMN were drawn first. 
In this case you win 40€ as well (i.e. 8 times your stake)